Thursday, 12 June 2014

Thank You: Dr. Robert Patton

Dr. Robert Patton 
Bob is a pediatric dentist in Vancouver. Bob treats those children who for one reason or another who are not able to go to a regular dentist. He has provided a lifetime of service to CMDS Canada. He has served on the national board for over 40 years. He has also served as President of the Vancouver Chapter for many years. The weekend of the CMDS National Conference, Bob formally resigned from the Board. CMDS Canada thanks Bob for his years of faithful service. We will really miss his wisdom and sense of humor.
God bless you Bob for your generous gift of yourself.

*Watch for an article on Dr. Robert Patton in the next edition of the CMDS Canada magazine, Focus.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Improving palliative care, a solution for all

Father Raymond J. de Souza writes in the National Post,
There are increasing numbers of those among us who are frail and ill, growing weaker under the burden of disease or years. How will our public policy and common culture respond? The Angus motion recognizes that many Canadians do not desire heavily medicalized final weeks or months, but a more personal preparation for death, preferably accompanied by their loved ones at home.
Our health care system does not provide such alternatives readily. It is designed to make expensive, invasive treatments accessible. So it does, forcing many at the end of life to endure treatments that are unduly burdensome in circumstances that are often impersonal. Palliative care for the dying seeks to treat pain and discomfort, but to allow, as much as possible, a preparation for death that respects the dignity of the person and those close to him.
The lack of adequate palliative care across the country is a failure of our health care system to respond to actual patient needs.
(Read the full article here: